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  • Minnesota Folk Arts Collection

    The Minnesota Folk Arts Collection features music-related items from the Minnesota Folk Arts (Philip Nusbaum) Collection, which emerged from John Berquist's and Philip Nusbaum's documentary work during their tenures as Folk Arts Program associates …

  • Library and Reading Posters

    This collection contains a wide assortment of posters promoting books, libraries, and children's literacy from a variety of organizations including the American Library Association and the Children's Book Council. The CBC is a nonprofit conglomerat…

  • Health Advertisements Database from Ebling Sources (HADES)

    The Health Advertisements Database from Ebling Sources (HADES) consists of advertisements from health sciences journals covering the disciplines of medicine, nursing, pharmacy, hospital management, laboratory management, and the allied health scien…

  • Amateur Journalism Collection

    This digital collection preserves several dozen journals produced by amateur journalists in recent years using digital technology and saved as .pdf files. It thus complements the very large Library of Amateur Journalism Collection in the Department…

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison Archives Collections

    The University Archives is committed to collecting and preserving materials related to people, places, events, and other entities associated with the UW-Madison, UW-System, and UW-Extension in their original formats whether that be analog or digita…

  • History Collection

    "History," said Alexis de Tocqueville, "is a gallery of pictures in which there are a few originals and many copies." The collection assembled here will help you get closer to some of those originals. Selected by librarians, scholars, and other sub…

  • The U.S. Forest Products Lab Centennial Oral History Project

    Established in 1910 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service through the efforts of the newly appointed U.S. Forest Service Chief, Gifford Pinchot, his deputy Overton Price, and the chief of the Office of Wood Utilization, McGarvey Clin…

  • Big Streets in a Little City : Downtown Street Scenes in Kiel, 1860-1980

    The name of this collection, Big Streets in a Little City, is an affectionate reference to the official City of Kiel slogan, "the little city that does big things." Located on the Sheboygan River in the southwest corner of Manitowoc County, this ci…