Illustrations of the Royal water-lily

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  • The Sixty Books, Sixty Libraries Project

    This digital collection was a collaborative book arts, writing and journaling project for the people of south central Wisconsin. The book collection was originally hosted by the South Central Library System (SCLS), and produced by the Bone Folders'…

  • Janesville's Past

    READ - Browse stories, chronologies and histories written by local authors. Century of Stories by Mike DuPre City on the Rock River by Carol Lohry Cartwright History of Janesville by Raymond E. Fenrick, 1969 History of Janesville 1835-193…

  • University of Wisconsin Geology Museum Historical Collection

    The University of Wisconsin Geology Museum (UWGM) historical collection contains original ledgers and documents which chronicle its earliest years of specimen acquisition and exhibits. In 1848, at the first meeting of the Board of Regents, it was d…

  • The Great Lakes Maritime History Project

    The state of Wisconsin has a proud and colorful history. One of its richest and most romantic chapters is its maritime history, staged on the waters of Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, on hundreds of smaller lakes and a whole network of rivers. Much o…

  • Chazen (Elvehjem) Museum of Art Publications

    This collection includes publications produced by the Chazen Museum of Art (formerly known as the Elvehjem) since 1970, including exhibition catalogues and museum periodicals.

  • Reports and Records of Urban and Regional Planning

    This collection represents annual planning reports from civil planning agencies throughout Wisconsin and includes reports on water management, Wisconsin regional planning, neighborhood planning, the cities of Madison and Milwaukee, and environmenta…

  • Literature Collection

    The Literature Collection is a multilayered grouping of works in literature and the humanities. From medieval to modern, scholarly to satirical, there is something for everyone. Diversity rules: there are texts translated from Nordic languages, tex…

  • Badger Yearbooks

    The first yearbook of the University of Wisconsin was published in April 1884 and called the Trochos, a Greek word for badger. The second yearbook, also called Trochos, was not published until 1887. The first Badger was published in February 1888, …