Illustrations of the Royal water-lily

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  • Ainu Komonjo (18th & 19th century records) : Ohnuki Collection

    This collection of books represents the earliest depictions of the Ainu by the Japanese. They are primarily about the Sakhalin Ainu, since the books were acquired by Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney at the time she was studying them. The Ainu, who lived on Sak…

  • Indochina War Refugees in Laos, 1954–1975—Documents And Reports

    During the period 1954-1975, a time of ongoing conflict and war in Laos, as many as 700,000 refugees, or about 25% of the country's estimated population of 3 million, were internally dislocated. About half of the population of Laos is comprised of …

  • History Collection

    "History," said Alexis de Tocqueville, "is a gallery of pictures in which there are a few originals and many copies." The collection assembled here will help you get closer to some of those originals. Selected by librarians, scholars, and other sub…

  • Library and Reading Posters

    This collection contains a wide assortment of posters promoting books, libraries, and children's literacy from a variety of organizations including the American Library Association and the Children's Book Council. The CBC is a nonprofit conglomerat…

  • Scottish Voices

    Scotland is famed for its striking physical beauty and its turbulent history of human habitation. It is also a land whose people have long excelled in the arts of traditional singing and storytelling, as well as in various forms of instrumental mus…

  • John Berquist Slovenian Recordings Collection

    John Berquist (1947-2016) was a musician, composer, storyteller and folklorist from Eveleth, Minnesota. He wrote and sang songs about the people of the Iron Range area of Minnesota: miners, lumberjacks, and immigrants from Scandinavian and Slavic r…

  • State of Wisconsin Collection

    The State of Wisconsin Collection brings together, in digital form, two categories of primary and secondary materials: writings about the State of Wisconsin and unique or valuable materials that relate to its history and ongoing development. The co…

  • Wisconsin Papyri Collection

    UW-Madison's Department of Special Collections in Memorial Library holds a small collection of 83 papyrus fragments. Ranging in date from the 3rd century BCE to the 7th century CE, the collection consists primarily of papyri written in Greek about …