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  • Ach Ya! : the Story of German Music in Wisconsin

    The "Ach Ya!: The Story of German Music in Wisconsin" Collection presents historical images from the nineteenth through the late twentieth century that evoke the long-standing heritage and rich diversity of Wisconsin's German musical traditions, es…

  • Wisconsin Cranberry School Proceedings

    The Wisconsin Cranberry School is the primary meeting for Wisconsin cranberry growers, whether members of a cooperative or independent growers. The school is sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Extension and the Wisconsin State Cranberry Growe…

  • Africa Focus: Sights and Sounds of a Continent

    Africa Focus brings together, in digital form, two categories of primary and secondary resources: research and teaching materials collected by University of Wisconsin faculty and staff; and unique or valuable items related to these fields held by t…

  • Janesville's Past

    READ - Browse stories, chronologies and histories written by local authors. Century of Stories by Mike DuPre City on the Rock River by Carol Lohry Cartwright History of Janesville by Raymond E. Fenrick, 1969 History of Janesville 1835-193…

  • Bruce Bollerud Collection

    Bruce Bollerud (1934-2020), was a professional musician in the Madison, WI area from the 1960s-2000s. He played bandoneon, piano accordion, jug, and trombone with a number of local bands, notably the Goose Island Ramblers and the Good Time Band. Th…

  • Pharmaceutical Trade Catalog Collection

    The Pharmaceutical Trade Catalog Collection is one of the specialized holdings of the American Institute of the History of Pharmacy located at the UW-Madison School of Pharmacy. It is comprised of nearly 500 volumes dating from 1829 to 2000. Phar…

  • University of Wisconsin–Madison Botany Department Teaching Collection

    This collection of resources was originally organized to serve the needs of the students and instructors of the introductory course General Botany (Botany 130). While these resources target the needs of one specific course, others will find them us…

  • Playing House : Homemaking for Children

    American domestic advice or homemaking manuals emerged in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries and served to advise the housewife in the care and upkeep of the home and its contents and occupants. While most of these manuals were writ…