Sarcophagus with Allegory of the Four Seasons

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  • Digital Library for the Decorative Arts and Material Culture

    The Digital Library for the Decorative Arts and Material Culture collects and creates electronic resources for study and research of the decorative arts, with a particular focus on Early America. Included are electronic texts and facsimiles, image …

  • Schleisingerville to Slinger 125 Years (Slinger Community Library)

    Explore the rich history of Schleisingerville, its citizens and local businesses through this digital collection consisting of two significant histories published by the Slinger Advancement Association and over 300 photographs providing accessibili…

  • UW-Madison Dissertations and Theses

    Since 2012, the UW–Madison Graduate School has been accepting doctoral dissertations in born-digital form. This Collection includes all of those dissertations (excepting those currently under embargo), as well as some earlier, out-of-copyright diss…

  • History of Limnology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison

    The Center for Limnology is a research facility affiliated with the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The Center for Limnology was established in July 1982 to plan, conduct, and facilitate inland freshwater research. The Center grew out of almost on…

  • University of Wisconsin–Madison Botany Department Teaching Collection

    This collection of resources was originally organized to serve the needs of the students and instructors of the introductory course General Botany (Botany 130). While these resources target the needs of one specific course, others will find them us…

  • Paramount Records Discography

    This collection is a discographical database with information and label scans of the Paramount 78rpm recordings held by the Mills Music Library. Titles, performer names, release dates and numbers, matrix numbers, and other details are all keyword s…

  • Madison Park and Pleasure Drive Association Reports and Related Materials

    This digital collection of historic reports provides accessibility to early information about the City of Madison around the turn of the 20th century. The Madison Park and Pleasure Drive Association Reports denote the moneys received and expended a…

  • Wisconsin Local Histories

    From the shores of Lake Michigan to the banks of the Mississippi, the Wisconsin Local Histories collection showcases the awesome resources of public libraries and historical societies from across the state. Assembled and digitized over a nine-year …