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  • Selections from the William B. Cairns Collection of American Women Writers, 1650-1940

    Collecting the literary record of women writers—some very well known, others often neglected, some anonymous—is the purpose and goal of the Cairns Collection of American Women writers, 1650-1940. The voices of women in American literary history ref…

  • The Wisconsin Workshop

    Beginning in 1969 the Department of German at the University of Wisconsin, Madison sponsored "The Wisconsin Workshop," an annual, interdisciplinary conference traditionally held in the fall and focused on a topic related to German culture. The Work…

  • University of Wisconsin Collection

    When does an aggregation of "stories" become a "history"? The history of the University of Wisconsin is far too colorful and texture-rich to be told in a single document. Within these collections you will find images, manuscripts, papers, and books…

  • University of Wisconsin–Madison Botany Department Teaching Collection

    This collection of resources was originally organized to serve the needs of the students and instructors of the introductory course General Botany (Botany 130). While these resources target the needs of one specific course, others will find them us…

  • Foreign relations of the United States

    This digital facsimile of Foreign Relations of the United States is a project of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries in collaboration with the University of Illinois at Chicago Libraries. This is a nearly complete run from 1861-1960 with …

  • Wisconsin Electronic Reader

    The Wisconsin Electronic Reader is a cooperative project of the University of Wisconsin General Library System and the State Historical Society of Wisconsin in celebration of the sesquicentennial of Wisconsin statehood.

  • Madison Metropolitan School District Reports

    The Madison Metropolitan School District is the second largest district in Wisconsin, and serves an estimated student population of 27,000 through 48 schools within an area of approximately 65 miles.1 The collection of online materials is made up o…

  • Civil War Band Collection : 1st Brigade Band of Brodhead, Wisconsin

    This collection may be searched by composer, title, or keywords. These searches will bring together all the compositions by one composer or all the parts for individual tunes. History of the 1st Brigade Band In 1857, a group of citizens of Brodhead…