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  • William J. Meuer Photoart Collection

    The William J. Meuer Photoart Collection is an outstanding visual history of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and its surrounding community. The collection was compiled by renowned local photographer William J. Meuer who with his brother, Roman,…

  • Nazi Culture Lectures

    From 2007 until 2020 Jost Hermand and Marc Silberman (Dept. of German, University of Wisconsin-Madison) offered each spring semester a large-enrollment, undergraduate course called "Nazi Culture," conducted entirely in English and aimed at non Germ…

  • History of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Collection

    The History of UW-Stevens Point Collection includes resources that document the history and evolution of this campus. The collection includes published material as well as archival materials and may eventually include additional books, manuscripts,…

  • The Great Lakes Maritime History Project

    The state of Wisconsin has a proud and colorful history. One of its richest and most romantic chapters is its maritime history, staged on the waters of Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, on hundreds of smaller lakes and a whole network of rivers. Much o…

  • State of Wisconsin Collection

    The State of Wisconsin Collection brings together, in digital form, two categories of primary and secondary materials: writings about the State of Wisconsin and unique or valuable materials that relate to its history and ongoing development. The co…

  • Library and Reading Posters

    This collection contains a wide assortment of posters promoting books, libraries, and children's literacy from a variety of organizations including the American Library Association and the Children's Book Council. The CBC is a nonprofit conglomerat…

  • The American Suzuki Talent Education Program

    Japanese violinist and educator, Shinichi Suzuki, was born on Oct. 17, 1898 in Nagoya, Japan. Though his father owned a violin factory, Suzuki did not appreciate the beautiful tone of a stringed instrument until, as a 17 year old, he heard violinis…

  • Illustrated Shakespeare Collection

    This online collection of selected electronic facsimiles seeks to share the marriage between book art and Shakespearean text with a wider audience. It also suggests the variety of responses by visual and book artists to the stimulus of Shakespeare'…