Organic Chemistry Lab

Featured Collections

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  • The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution

    The signing of the U.S. Constitution on 17 September 1787 was a milestone in creating a government for the recently independent United States. However, the act of signing itself did not create a government. Nor did it bring the new Constitution int…

  • Historical Bee and Beekeeping Literature : Selections from the Charles C. Miller Memorial Apicultural Library

    The Charles C. Miller Apicultural Collection has an interesting history both in terms of its inspirational namesake and in how it came to be located at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Born in 1831, Charles C. Miller was a doctor, teacher, beek…

  • Casselman Archive of Islamic and Mudejar Architecture in Spain

    This collection contains over four thousand color slides and black and white photographs of medieval Spain taken by the late Eugene Casselman (1912-1996) during his thirty years of travel throughout the Iberian peninsula. The images span over one t…

  • Literature Collection

    The Literature Collection is a multilayered grouping of works in literature and the humanities. From medieval to modern, scholarly to satirical, there is something for everyone. Diversity rules: there are texts translated from Nordic languages, tex…

  • Library and Reading Posters

    This collection contains a wide assortment of posters promoting books, libraries, and children's literacy from a variety of organizations including the American Library Association and the Children's Book Council. The CBC is a nonprofit conglomerat…

  • Paramount Records Discography

    This collection is a discographical database with information and label scans of the Paramount 78rpm recordings held by the Mills Music Library. Titles, performer names, release dates and numbers, matrix numbers, and other details are all keyword s…

  • Amateur Journalism Collection

    This digital collection preserves several dozen journals produced by amateur journalists in recent years using digital technology and saved as .pdf files. It thus complements the very large Library of Amateur Journalism Collection in the Department…

  • Latin American Cartonera Publishers Collection

    The cartonera publishing phenomenon began in Buenos Aires in 2003 and was spearheaded by writers and artists interested in reconfiguring the conditions in which literary art is produced and consumed. They came up with a progressive new publishing …