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  • University of Wisconsin Student Photo Albums and Scrapbooks: 1880s-1950

    The University of Wisconsin-Madison Archives maintains a sizable collection of student (and student organization) scrapbooks and photo albums that provide a unique view into the day-to-day lives of students on campus. Compiled by students, from dif…

  • University of Wisconsin Collection

    When does an aggregation of "stories" become a "history"? The history of the University of Wisconsin is far too colorful and texture-rich to be told in a single document. Within these collections you will find images, manuscripts, papers, and books…

  • Indochina War Refugees in Laos, 1954–1975—Documents And Reports

    During the period 1954-1975, a time of ongoing conflict and war in Laos, as many as 700,000 refugees, or about 25% of the country's estimated population of 3 million, were internally dislocated. About half of the population of Laos is comprised of …

  • Wisconsin Groundwater Research and Monitoring Program Reports

    About two-thirds of the people of Wisconsin obtain their drinking water from groundwater. Despite a general abundance of groundwater in Wisconsin, there is growing concern about the overall availability of good-quality groundwater. Substantial decl…

  • History of the University of Wisconsin-Platteville Collection

    The History of UW-Platteville Collection includes resources that document the history and evolution of this campus. The collection includes published material as well as archival materials and may eventually include additional books, manuscripts, s…

  • Madison Metropolitan School District Reports

    The Madison Metropolitan School District is the second largest district in Wisconsin, and serves an estimated student population of 27,000 through 48 schools within an area of approximately 65 miles.1 The collection of online materials is made up o…

  • History of the University of Wisconsin-Superior Collection

    The History of UW-Superior Collection includes images that represent a cross-section of this campus's history and evolution.  They document student life, academic activities, athletics, the campus, and campus traditions. The collection may eventual…

  • The Woodland Indian Traditional Artist Project

    The Woodland Indian Traditional Artist Project grew from an increased need to educate the public about the Upper Midwest region's indigenous peoples. It drew upon two decades of public folklore success in working with these communities to document …