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  • The UW–Madison Collection

    The UW-Madison Collection includes resources that document the unique history and evolution of this campus. The collection includes published material as well as archival materials and may eventually include additional books, manuscripts, sound rec…

  • The U.S. Forest Products Lab Centennial Oral History Project

    Established in 1910 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service through the efforts of the newly appointed U.S. Forest Service Chief, Gifford Pinchot, his deputy Overton Price, and the chief of the Office of Wood Utilization, McGarvey Clin…

  • Wisconsin Cranberry School Proceedings

    The Wisconsin Cranberry School is the primary meeting for Wisconsin cranberry growers, whether members of a cooperative or independent growers. The school is sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Extension and the Wisconsin State Cranberry Growe…

  • South Central Wisconsin Local Histories

    The books in the Wisconsin Local Histories collection document and present the history of Adams, Columbia, Dane, Green, Portage, Sauk, and Wood Counties and communities therein. The collection includes: Written histories of all seven counties. …

  • The American Suzuki Talent Education Program

    Japanese violinist and educator, Shinichi Suzuki, was born on Oct. 17, 1898 in Nagoya, Japan. Though his father owned a violin factory, Suzuki did not appreciate the beautiful tone of a stringed instrument until, as a 17 year old, he heard violinis…

  • Department of Chemical Engineering Technical Papers

    The Department of Chemical Engineering Technical Papers were written by University of Wisconsin chemical engineers between 1900 and 1935. There are five volumes containing 190 papers. The papers have been made available online because they show the…

  • Historical County Plat Maps from South Central Wisconsin and Early Madison City Directories

    This digital collection of historic plat books, city directories, and atlases provides accessibility to early information about South Central Wisconsin, specifically Columbia, Dane, Portage and Wood counties. A variety of the oldest plat books, atl…

  • Silver Buckle Press Collection

    Silver Buckle Press is a working museum of letterpress printing dedicated to preserving the craft of fine printing through educational programming, publications, exhibitions and tours. The Silver Buckle Press holdings of books, wood and metal type,…