Sarcophagus with Allegory of the Four Seasons

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  • The Wisconsin Workshop

    Beginning in 1969 the Department of German at the University of Wisconsin, Madison sponsored "The Wisconsin Workshop," an annual, interdisciplinary conference traditionally held in the fall and focused on a topic related to German culture. The Work…

  • All Sewn Up : Millinery, Dressmaking, Clothing and Costume

    This digital collection includes millinery, dressmaking, clothing and costume books from the UW-Madison collections. These books from the first half of the 20th century (1907 – 1940's) include the history of clothing, styles of dress, fashion drawi…

  • Polish Folksong Collection

    Materials from a collection that resulted from a two-year study (1946-1948) overseen by Professor Edmund I. Zawacki of the Department of Slavic Languages, University of Wisconsin documenting rural Polish immigrant communities in Trempealeau County,…

  • German Studies Collection

    German studies is the field of humanities that researches, documents, and disseminates German language and literature in both its historic and present forms. The German Studies Collection brings together, in digital form, primary and secondary mate…

  • UW Madison Student Guidebooks and Handbooks

    A selection of student guidebooks and handbooks housed in the University of Wisconsin-Madison Archives. Titles include Wisqetiquette, YMCA and YWCA produced booklets, and other student handbooks aimed at helping students adjust to the campus enviro…

  • Research Reports from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

    The Research Report series was started in 1960. Typically, reports that get published as Research Reports are narrower in scope than Technical Bulletins. They primarily report on a single topic, selected aspects of a more complex study, or interim …

  • Kenosha County History : Images and Texts, 1830s-1940s

    Kenosha County is situated in the most southeastern part of Wisconsin adjoining the Illinois State border. In 1830, Kenosha County was a remote corner of the largely unsettled Michigan Territory. Beginning in 1835 settlers arrived from New York and…

  • Joseph Philbrick Webster (ca. 1840s-1874)

    Joseph Philbrick Webster was born near Manchester, New Hampshire, on 18 February 1819. He was the son of Major John Webster, who fought in the Revolutionary War and died when Joseph was quite young. Webster showed musical talent at an early age an…