Sarcophagus with Allegory of the Four Seasons

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  • Gender and Women's Studies Collection

    The Gender and Women's Studies Collection brings together, in digital form, primary and secondary materials relating to the the exploration of politics, history, and society from a transnational and multicultural women's perspective. Although this …

  • Wisconsin Blue Books

    The State of Wisconsin Blue Book remains the primary one-volume reference source about the state, documenting the organization of the state's three branches of government (legislative, executive, and judicial). Typically, each volume includes exten…

  • Oshkosh, Omro, and Winnebago County, Wisconsin Collection

    The Fox River led early French-Canadian explorers and later American settlers to the west shore of Lake Winnebago. In the 1840 census Winnebago County had 135 inhabitants; by 1850 about 10,000 had been added to that number. In addition to Yankees, …

  • Images of the African Diaspora

    Since 1974, Professor Henry Drewal has been documenting Afro-Brazilian visual and performance arts and artists, primarily in Salvador, Bahia but also elsewhere, including Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Fortaleza, Maranhao, and other sites primarily in nor…

  • Home Economics to Human Ecology : A Centennial History at the University of Wisconsin - Madison

    This digital collection of photographs and ephemera illustrates aspects of the past 100 years at the School of Human Ecology at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. Some of the material was used to develop the School's history website. Most of th…

  • Wisconsin Emergency Management Images and Historic Materials

    This collection presents images taken by emergency management officials in the aftermath of numerous disasters that have hit Wisconsin. It also includes images of emergency response training and other historic materials related to emergency prepar…

  • Kenosha's Lost Industries : Photographs and Corporate Materials, 1850s-1990s

    From the 1850s to the 1970s abundant water, a lake port, and railroad corridors crossing Kenosha and Kenosha County, Wisconsin impacted the growth of industry. Kenosha's development was essentially connected to its strategic location on the western…

  • University of Wisconsin–Madison Botany Department Teaching Collection

    This collection of resources was originally organized to serve the needs of the students and instructors of the introductory course General Botany (Botany 130). While these resources target the needs of one specific course, others will find them us…