Black petition demands and march

Featured Collections

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  • Terry and Robert Wofford Laotian Image Collection

    The Terry and Robert Wofford Laotian Image Collection consists of more than 300 images taken in Laos* between 1966 and 1972, during which time Ms. Wofford taught at the International School and Lao-American Association in Vientiane and married Robe…

  • Paramount Records Discography

    This collection is a discographical database with information and label scans of the Paramount 78rpm recordings held by the Mills Music Library. Titles, performer names, release dates and numbers, matrix numbers, and other details are all keyword s…

  • Mills Music Library Digital Collections

    The Mills Music Library Digital Collections provide online access to some of the unique materials found in the Special Collections Department of Mills Music Library, including the Wisconsin Music Archives. Among these online collections you will fi…

  • LeRoy Larson Collection

    The LeRoy Larson Collection documents the traditional dance music of Scandinavians, chiefly Norwegians, in Minnesota with some overlap into western Wisconsin and northern Iowa. LeRoy Wilbur Larson (1939- ) is a musician, composer, musicologist/ethn…

  • Chazen Museum of Art Permanent Collection

    This collection contains photographs of art objects from the permanent collection of the Chazen Museum of Art. High resolution images for works in copyright are available to the UW-Madison community for research and instruction purposes.

  • Polish Folksong Collection

    Materials from a collection that resulted from a two-year study (1946-1948) overseen by Professor Edmund I. Zawacki of the Department of Slavic Languages, University of Wisconsin documenting rural Polish immigrant communities in Trempealeau County,…

  • Applications Technology Satellite Image Collection

    This collection represents a selection of images of weather events as seen from space. One of the first geostationary satellites, known as the Applications Technology Satellite-I, launched on December 7, 1966. It carried an instrument invented by U…

  • History Collection

    "History," said Alexis de Tocqueville, "is a gallery of pictures in which there are a few originals and many copies." The collection assembled here will help you get closer to some of those originals. Selected by librarians, scholars, and other sub…