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  • History of Children's Literature : a Sampling

    This collection of slides represents the history of early children's literature in the United States and England. They are primarily covers and illustrations of children's books between the 15th and early 20th century. The slides were originally ta…

  • Kenosha's Lost Industries : Photographs and Corporate Materials, 1850s-1990s

    From the 1850s to the 1970s abundant water, a lake port, and railroad corridors crossing Kenosha and Kenosha County, Wisconsin impacted the growth of industry. Kenosha's development was essentially connected to its strategic location on the western…

  • Communications from the International Brecht Society

    Communications from the International Brecht Society was originally conceived as a newsletter "for the exchange of ideas and information pertinent to [the IBS members'] ‘common cause.'" The Society was founded by members of the German departments a…

  • The Sixty Books, Sixty Libraries Project

    This digital collection was a collaborative book arts, writing and journaling project for the people of south central Wisconsin. The book collection was originally hosted by the South Central Library System (SCLS), and produced by the Bone Folders'…

  • Folksongs of Another America

    Hailed by the Journal of Folklore Research as "A landmark presentation of traditional music of the Upper Midwest," the hardcover edition of James P. Leary's Folksongs of Another America included five CDs and a DVD, received a Grammy nomination for …

  • Víglundar Saga : a New Edition Based on UW-Madison Libraries Special Collections MS 140

    Víglundar saga is one of the latest of the Icelandic family sagas (Íslendinga sögur), but its style is heavily influenced by the chivalric sagas (riddarasögur) such as Tristrams saga. It tells the story of the love between Víglund and Ketilríð, and…

  • UW-Madison Dissertations and Theses

    Since 2012, the UW–Madison Graduate School has been accepting doctoral dissertations in born-digital form. This Collection includes all of those dissertations (excepting those currently under embargo), as well as some earlier, out-of-copyright diss…

  • The American Founding Period

    Since its founding in 1981, the Center for the Study of the American Constitution (CSAC) has sought opportunities to disseminate knowledge acquired through editing The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution to a broader audienc…