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  • Japanese Illustrated Books from the Late Edo Period

    Fifteen titles of Edo-period (1600-1868) Japanese woodblock-printed books are included in this online collection. The books are predominantly pictorial, with illustrations designed by artists such as Nishikawa Sukenobu, Katsushika Hokusai, Kono Bai…

  • Kenosha's Lost Industries : Photographs and Corporate Materials, 1850s-1990s

    From the 1850s to the 1970s abundant water, a lake port, and railroad corridors crossing Kenosha and Kenosha County, Wisconsin impacted the growth of industry. Kenosha's development was essentially connected to its strategic location on the western…

  • Arts Collection

    The Arts Collection brings together, in digital form, primary and secondary materials relating to the creative arts as broadly defined: visual, literary, musical, and performing.

  • Technical Bulletin from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

    The Technical Bulletins series was started in 1950 and was originally titled Technical Wildlife Bulletins. In 1958, the series changed its name to the current title (Technical Bulletins) and was modified to include technical reports on game, fish, …

  • The American Founding Period

    Since its founding in 1981, the Center for the Study of the American Constitution (CSAC) has sought opportunities to disseminate knowledge acquired through editing The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution to a broader audienc…

  • Veterinary Anatomical Illustrations

    The following illustrations are digitized from the classic works of the German veterinary anatomists, Wilhelm Ellenberger and Hermann Baum, and medical illustrator, Hermann Dittrich. The texts, from which these illustrations were derived, are works…

  • Reports and Records of Urban and Regional Planning

    This collection represents annual planning reports from civil planning agencies throughout Wisconsin and includes reports on water management, Wisconsin regional planning, neighborhood planning, the cities of Madison and Milwaukee, and environmenta…

  • Frederic C. Benson Laotian Slide Collection

    The Benson Collection consists of 732 images taken by Frederic (Fritz) Benson during his time in Laos between August 1968 and January 1974 while serving with International Voluntary Services, Inc. (IVS) (1968-1970) and the United States Agency for …