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  • History of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Collection

    The History of UW-Stevens Point Collection includes resources that document the history and evolution of this campus. The collection includes published material as well as archival materials and may eventually include additional books, manuscripts,…

  • The Changing Landscapes of Wisconsin: A Digital Archive of Historic Aerial Photographs

    Changing Landscapes of Wisconsin creates wide accessibility to a rare collection of historic aerial photographs acquired by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) from 1937-1941. These photographs provide a snapshot of Wisconsin's landscapes seven…

  • Japan in Conflict

    This collection documents the Japanese at war, both from the perspective of the Japanese and their adversaries. Materials include posters, wood cuts, news releases, propaganda promoting relationships with allies or demonizing enemies, as well as ar…

  • Plant Ecology Laboratory Archive

    The University of Wisconsin Plant Ecology Laboratory has its origins in Dr. John T. Curtis's studies of the vegetation of Wisconsin, which began in the 1940s. From the start, the Laboratory integrated a dual rationale: a physical place to store ori…

  • Jesuit Iconography

    As missionaries, scholars, teachers, authors, and members of learned academies, members of the Society of Jesus exerted great influence on the world of early modern European learning. Though such activities attracted critiques both thoughtful and s…

  • Lawrence Monthey Photo Collection

    In the spring of 1959, UW alumni and staff member Lawrence G. "Larry" Monthey joined a tour of the Soviet Union and other European countries. Organized by the Wisconsin State Journal, participants visited cities in Norway, Finland, the Soviet Union…

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison Archives Collections

    The University Archives is committed to collecting and preserving materials related to people, places, events, and other entities associated with the UW-Madison, UW-System, and UW-Extension in their original formats whether that be analog or digita…

  • LeRoy Larson Collection

    The LeRoy Larson Collection documents the traditional dance music of Scandinavians, chiefly Norwegians, in Minnesota with some overlap into western Wisconsin and northern Iowa. LeRoy Wilbur Larson (1939- ) is a musician, composer, musicologist/ethn…