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  • UW-Madison Dissertations and Theses

    Since 2012, the UW–Madison Graduate School has been accepting doctoral dissertations in born-digital form. This Collection includes all of those dissertations (excepting those currently under embargo), as well as some earlier, out-of-copyright diss…

  • Communications from the International Brecht Society

    Communications from the International Brecht Society was originally conceived as a newsletter "for the exchange of ideas and information pertinent to [the IBS members'] ‘common cause.'" The Society was founded by members of the German departments a…

  • University of Wisconsin Collection

    When does an aggregation of "stories" become a "history"? The history of the University of Wisconsin is far too colorful and texture-rich to be told in a single document. Within these collections you will find images, manuscripts, papers, and books…

  • Nordic Translation Series

    The Nordic Translation Series was published by the University of Wisconsin Press between 1965 and 1970. The series presented here contains eleven texts by nineteenth- and twentieth-century authors. The works were translated into English from their …

  • Wisconsin Local Histories

    From the shores of Lake Michigan to the banks of the Mississippi, the Wisconsin Local Histories collection showcases the awesome resources of public libraries and historical societies from across the state. Assembled and digitized over a nine-year …

  • The Wisconsin Oneida Language Preservation Project

    The Wisconsin Oneida Language Preservation Project presents original stories and curriculum, with accompanying audio, that teaches the Wisconsin Oneida language. Materials presented here include Curriculum (see below), Songs, and Stories in both En…

  • The Daily Cardinal

    The Daily Cardinal was founded by undergraduate students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison more than 120 years ago, with the first issue appearing April 4, 1892. "We believe the University is in need of a daily paper," explained the founding e…

  • WHA Radio Broadcasts : Early Years of Wisconsin Public Radio

    The WHA Radio Broadcasts collection includes digitized selections from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Archives's holdings of over 7,000 transcription discs that capture early broadcasts from Wisconsin Public Radio. Wisconsin Public Radio first…