Great Cities, Small Treasures : The Ancient World of the Indus Valley

Featured Collections

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  • Wisconsin Electronic Reader

    The Wisconsin Electronic Reader is a cooperative project of the University of Wisconsin General Library System and the State Historical Society of Wisconsin in celebration of the sesquicentennial of Wisconsin statehood.

  • Wisconsin Pioneer Experience

    The Wisconsin Pioneer Experience is a digital collection of diaries, letters, reminiscences, speeches and other writings of people who settled and built Wisconsin during the 19th century. The project has been made available through the partnership …

  • Research Reports from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

    The Research Report series was started in 1960. Typically, reports that get published as Research Reports are narrower in scope than Technical Bulletins. They primarily report on a single topic, selected aspects of a more complex study, or interim …

  • Silver Buckle Press Collection

    Silver Buckle Press is a working museum of letterpress printing dedicated to preserving the craft of fine printing through educational programming, publications, exhibitions and tours. The Silver Buckle Press holdings of books, wood and metal type,…

  • German American Correspondence Collection from the Max Kade Institute

    German American correspondence before 1940 was largely written in Kurrent (the old German script). Letters in the Sternberger and Anna Seifert collections have been transcribed by the Max Kade Institute Kurrent T…

  • William W. Sage collection on Laos

    The Sage Collection consists of 1253 photographs taken primarily by William Sage, with additional photographs contributed by James Bowman, former International Voluntary Services volunteer (IVS) and United States Agency for International Developmen…

  • Madison Public Library Annual Reports

    This collection consists of the annual reports of the organization currently known as the Madison Public Library (Madison, WI). It begins with the earliest published report from the organization available, the 1879 ‘Annual report of the Board of Di…

  • Wisconsin Natural Resources Magazine

    The Wisconsin Conservation Bulletin was first published in 1936, by the Wisconsin Conservation Department, the predecessor to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. In 1977 the name was changed to the Wisconsin Natural Resources magazine. W…