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Featured Collections

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  • PrimateImages : Natural History Collection

    The PrimateImages database is a collection of photographs and information about nonhuman primates. These images were contributed by numerous photographers through the Lawrence Jacobsen Library at the Wisconsin National Primate Research Center, Univ…

  • Historical Bee and Beekeeping Literature : Selections from the Charles C. Miller Memorial Apicultural Library

    The Charles C. Miller Apicultural Collection has an interesting history both in terms of its inspirational namesake and in how it came to be located at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Born in 1831, Charles C. Miller was a doctor, teacher, beek…

  • History of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Collection

    The History of UW-Stevens Point Collection includes resources that document the history and evolution of this campus. The collection includes published material as well as archival materials and may eventually include additional books, manuscripts,…

  • Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Collection

    This collection brings together several publications from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources as well a selection of photographs covering the history of the department.

  • Beowulf : a New Translation for Oral Delivery

    Beowulf is the oldest narrative poem in the English language, embodying historical traditions that go back to actual events and personages in fifth- and sixth-century Scandinavia. During the long preliterate centuries when these traditions were tra…

  • History of the UW-Madison Libraries

    The History UW-Madison Libraries Collection contains photographs of the campus libraries and publications reflecting several iterations of Friends of the Library publications dating back to the 1940s. The image collection features images of the bui…

  • East Asian Collection

    The East Asian Collection includes historical images that present a visual archive of 20th century East Asian cultural heritage. Currently, the collection consists of images that document early 20th century China including the the Sino-Japanese Con…

  • Human Ecology Collection

    Human ecology is an academic discipline that deals with the relationship between humans and their natural, social and created environments. Human ecology investigates how humans and human societies interact with nature and with their environment. T…