Black petition demands and march

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  • The American Founding Period

    Since its founding in 1981, the Center for the Study of the American Constitution (CSAC) has sought opportunities to disseminate knowledge acquired through editing The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution to a broader audienc…

  • Folk Figures : A Survey of Norwegian and Norwegian-American Artifacts in The Upper Midwest

    This collection brings together, in digital form, a virtual exhibit of objects ranging from the 17th century through the 1930's that depict animals, humans, birds, fish, or supernatural figures. These figures provide unique insight into the folk be…

  • Madison Public Library Annual Reports

    This collection consists of the annual reports of the organization currently known as the Madison Public Library (Madison, WI). It begins with the earliest published report from the organization available, the 1879 ‘Annual report of the Board of Di…

  • Library and Reading Posters

    This collection contains a wide assortment of posters promoting books, libraries, and children's literacy from a variety of organizations including the American Library Association and the Children's Book Council. The CBC is a nonprofit conglomerat…

  • 78-RPM Recordings Collection

    The collection is comprised of over 2,400 78-rpm recordings commercially produced for immigrant, ethnic, indigenous, and regional audiences by American record companies in the first half of the 20th century. The record companies range from big labe…

  • Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Collection

    This collection brings together several publications from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources as well a selection of photographs covering the history of the department.

  • James Graaskamp Landmark Research Collection

    James Graaskamp taught real estate at the UW-Madison from 1964 to 1988 and was chairman of the Real Estate Department from 1968 until his untimely death in 1988. Graaskamp built the teaching side of the Real Estate program into national prominence…

  • Indochina War Refugees in Laos, 1954–1975—Documents And Reports

    During the period 1954-1975, a time of ongoing conflict and war in Laos, as many as 700,000 refugees, or about 25% of the country's estimated population of 3 million, were internally dislocated. About half of the population of Laos is comprised of …