Illustrations of the Royal water-lily

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  • Applications Technology Satellite Image Collection

    This collection represents a selection of images of weather events as seen from space. One of the first geostationary satellites, known as the Applications Technology Satellite-I, launched on December 7, 1966. It carried an instrument invented by U…

  • Multicultural Student Center Archive

    The Multicultural Student Center (MSC) was established in 1988 as a direct result of organizing efforts by students of color and their allies (See,  Holley Report). The MSC's first Home (1988-1998) was in the Memorial Union where it was strategical…

  • Folk Figures : A Survey of Norwegian and Norwegian-American Artifacts in The Upper Midwest

    This collection brings together, in digital form, a virtual exhibit of objects ranging from the 17th century through the 1930's that depict animals, humans, birds, fish, or supernatural figures. These figures provide unique insight into the folk be…

  • Cultural Landscape of the UW–Madison Campus

    The Cultural Landscape of the UW-Madison Campus image gallery was developed as a research tool to support a two-year effort to inventory and assess cultural landscape resources on the University of Wisconsin-Madison main campus. The study will culm…

  • German Studies Collection

    German studies is the field of humanities that researches, documents, and disseminates German language and literature in both its historic and present forms. The German Studies Collection brings together, in digital form, primary and secondary mate…

  • The Home Front : Manitowoc County in World War II

    This digital collection of photographic images, oral histories, published sources and documents, artifacts, and other resources helps to document and explain the history of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin during the period from 1939 to 1947—both the mo…

  • Wisconsin Electronic Reader

    The Wisconsin Electronic Reader is a cooperative project of the University of Wisconsin General Library System and the State Historical Society of Wisconsin in celebration of the sesquicentennial of Wisconsin statehood.

  • Tams-Witmark Collection

    The 19th & early 20th century American musical theater offered an amazing variety of entertainment. Grand opera, operetta, vaudeville, revues, burlesque shows, minstrel shows and musical comedy were all performed in every city and town across t…