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Large article database covering all aspects of biology including bacteriology, cell biology, genetics, microbiology, pathology, physiology, toxicology, virology, zoology, and more.
Go to this DatabaseIndex of journals covering aspects of bacteriology, including biochemistry and genetics, clinical and agricultural applications, immunology, vaccinations, and diseases of human and animals.
Go to this DatabaseA collection of databases of the pathways and genomes of different organisms. The databases are organized into tiers according to the amount of manual review and updating they have received.
Go to this DatabaseLarge article database covering all aspects of biology including bacteriology, cell biology, genetics, microbiology, pathology, physiology, toxicology, virology, zoology, and more.
Go to this DatabaseCovers the world of plants and animals including animal and crop production, breeding, environmental impacts, nutrition, and veterinary science.
Go to this DatabaseLarge database covering pure and applied research in food science, food technology, and food-related nutrition from journals, books, proceedings, reports, theses, patents, standards, and legislation.
Go to this DatabaseArticle database covers practical microbiological applications in the field of agricultural, food and beverage, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries.
Go to this DatabaseCovers the biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Also provides access to NCBI databases covering molecular biology. From the NIH's National Library of Medicine.
Go to this DatabaseThis site provides a central source of information about viruses, viroids and satellites of plants, fungi and protozoa, with some additional data on related animal viruses. Over 390 individual desc...
Go to this DatabaseThe revised Third Edition of The Prokaryotes offers new and updated articles by experts from around the world on taxa of relevance to medicine, ecology and industry. Entries combine phylogenetic an...
Go to this DatabaseDatabase (ProQuest) provides selective worldwide coverage of primary information sources in agriculture and related fields including journal articles, monographs, proceedings, and technical reports.
Go to this DatabasePeer-reviewed research journals in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences.
Go to this DatabaseComplete tables of contents and bibliographic information from the world's leading scholarly journals and books on the Web of Science platform.
Go to this DatabaseScholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research from a wide variety of sources.
Go to this DatabaseMicrobes both synthesize and exploit a vast range of hydrophobic organics, especially petroleum oil hydrocarbons and industrial pollutants, and the underlying interactions not only have major conse...
Go to this DatabaseOnline seminar-style talks and case studies from editors and lecturers who are leading world experts and practitioners from academia, research institutes, commerce, industry, the professions and government.
Go to this DatabasePerformance statistics and trends for scholarly articles based on data derived from journals indexed in Web of Science Core Collection.
Go to this DatabaseIngenta provides access to full text articles from many publishers in many disciplines. More than 800 of our electronic journal subscriptions at the University of Wisconsin - Madison Libraries are ...
Go to this DatabaseInformation platform of streaming science video "articles" covering biological, medical, psychological, chemical, and physical research content for scientific research and education.
Go to this DatabaseOpen access database combines scholarly article data (PubMed, CrossRef) with patent data from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, World Intellectual Property Organization, and other patent offices.
Go to this DatabasePortal to USDA-authored and other agricultural research on nutrition, food safety, animal and crop production, sustainable agriculture, rural development, economic and policy issues, statistics.
Go to this DatabaseInformation platform of scientific, technical, and medical research content from journals, books, series, and reference works published by Elsevier.
Go to this DatabaseCore research tool for chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, materials science, nanotechnology, physics, environmental science and other disciplines. Registration required.
Go to this DatabaseLarge, multidisciplinary database that covers science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities. Includes tools to track, analyze, and visualize research.
Go to this DatabaseDatabase of over 55,000 biomedical and life sciences laboratory protocols. Includes Methods in Molecular Biology, Methods in Molecular Medicine, Methods in Biotechnology, and more.
Go to this DatabaseCollection of databases indexing scholarly literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, from journals, conference proceedings, symposia, and more. Includes citation network data.
Go to this DatabaseBrowse or search thousands of ebooks and millions of articles from the life, physical, health, and social sciences, as well as the humanities disciplines.
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