Papers of Henry S. Eggleston, a former businessman and postmaster of Appleton, Wis., and a commissioned officer in the "Ripon Guards" (Company B) of the 1st Wisconsin Cavalry Regiment. The collection consists primarily of correspondence with Eggleston's wife written during his Civil War service. These document conditions at Camp Harvey (Kenosha, Wis.), tensions among officers, the difficulties in training cavalry troops, and the work of hunting Confederates around Bloomfield, Mo. The letter dated August 5, 1862 describes a pitched battle between 100 members of the 1st Cavalry and 600 Texas Rangers about eight miles from Marianna, Ark. The collection also includes photocopies of a few pages from Eggleston's diaries for 1861 and 1862, the telegram notifying his unit of his death, memorials on his death, his will, and photocopies of his commissions. Additional materials from this collection are available in original form at the Wisconsin Historical Society.