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    Su Bai jiang gao
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    Zhong xi jiao tong yu Huaxia wen ming
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    跟随利玛窦来中国 : 1500-1800年中西文化交流史 = Following the steps of Matteo Ricci to China

    Gen sui Limadou lai Zhongguo : 1500-1800 nian Zhong xi wen hua jiao liu shi = Following the steps of Matteo Ricci to China
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    Lu hai si lu yu wen hua jiao liu
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    西儒远来 : 耶稣会士与明末清初的中西交流

    Xi ru yuan lai : Yesu hui shi yu Ming mo Qing chu de Zhong xi jiao liu
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    丝绸史话 = History of Silk

    Si chou shi hua = History of Silk
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    进化主义在中国的兴起 : 一个新的全能式世界观

    Jin hua zhu yi zai Zhongguo de xing qi : yi ge xin de quan neng shi shi jie guan