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    神道の美術 : 春日, 日吉, 熊野

    Shintō no bijutsu : Kasuga, Hie, Kumano
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    鳥羽僧正覚猷草画 猿 狐 兎 鹿 蛙

    Scrolls of frolicking animals and people.
    Toba Sōjō Kakuyū sōga Saru, kitsune, usagi, shika, kaeru
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    Setsuwa emaki
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    戦国時代狩野派の研究 : 狩野元信を中心として

    Sengoku jidai Kanō-ha no kenkyū : Kanō Motonobu o chūshin to shite
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    Ōchō monogatari
  • Books

    和漢のコードと自然表象 : 十六, 七世紀の日本を中心に

    Wa-Kan no kōdo to shizen hyōshō : jūroku-shici seiki no Nihon o chūshin ni
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    Tōhaku, Yūshō
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    Shindenzukuri no kenkyū
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    地獄草紙. 餓鬼草紙 = Hell scroll. Hungry ghost scroll

    Jigoku-zōshi (Compilation)
    Jigoku-zōshi. Gaki-zōshi = Hell scroll. Hungry ghost scroll
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    Josetsu, Shūbun
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    Momoyama genre painting.

    Momoyama no fūzokuga. English
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    Sesshū ōendan
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    室町時代の狩野派 : 画壇制覇への道 : 特别展覧会 = The Kano school in the Muromachi period : special exhibition

    Muromachi jidai no Kanō-ha : gadan seiha e no michi : tokubetsu tenrankai = The Kano school in the Muromachi period : special exhibition
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    「酒飯論絵卷」影印と研究 : 文化庁本・フランス国立図書館本とその周辺

    "Shuhanron emaki" eiin to kenkyū : Bunkachō-bon, Furansu Kokuritsu Toshokan-bon to sono shūhen
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    Hasegawa Tōhaku
  • Books

    土蜘蛛草紙, 天狗草紙, 大江山絵詞

    Tsuchigumo zōshi, Tengu zōshi, oeyama ekotoba
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    Motonobu, Eitoku
  • Books

    禅林画賛 : 中世水墨画を読む

    Zenrin gasan : chūsei suibokuga o yomu
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    Tosa Mitsunobu
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    Kanō Eitoku, Mitsunobu
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    Kamakura no chōkoku, kenchiku
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    茶の美術 : 茶器と茶室

    Cha no bijutsu : chaki to chashitsu
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    「酒飯論絵卷」の世界 : 日仏共同研究

    "Shuhanron emaki" no sekai : Nichi-Futsu kyōdō kenkyū
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    阿字義. 華嚴五十五所絵卷. 法華経絵卷

    Ajigi. Kegon gojūgosho emaki. Hokekyō emaki
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    桃山の茶陶 : 洛中の新発掘品と伝世の名品 = Tea ceramics of the Momoyama period : from excavations in Kyoto and historical collections

    Momoyama no chatō : Rakuchū no shinhakkutsuhin to densei no meihin = Tea ceramics of the Momoyama period : from excavations in Kyoto and historical collections
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    山王霊験記, 地蔵菩薩霊験記

    Sannō reigenki.
    Sannō reigenki, Jizō Bosatsu reigenki
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    Sōami, Shōkei
  • Books


    Kitano Tenjin engi o yomu
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    Ishiyamadera engi
  • Books

    東京国立博物館図版目錄. やまと絵篇

    Tōkyō Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan zuhan mokuroku. Yamatoe hen
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    黃金のとき・ゆめの時代桃山絵画讚歌 : 開館 100周年紀念特别展覧会 = The age of gold, the days of dreams in praise of the paintings in the Momoyama period : the 100th anniversary of the Kyoto National Museum special exhibition

    Ōgon no toki, yume no jidai Momoyama kaiga sanka : kaikan 100-shūnen kinen tokubetsu tenrankai = The age of gold, the days of dreams in praise of the paintings in the Momoyama period : the 100th anniversary of the Kyoto National Museum special exhibition
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    14-16世紀の美術 : 清浄世界への憧憬

    14-16-seiki no bijutsu : seijō sekai e no dōkei
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    Unkei to Kamakura chōkoku
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    Momoyama no shōhekiga
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    葉月物語絵卷. 枕草子絵詞. 隆房卿艶詞絵卷

    Hazuki monogatari emaki. Makura no sōshi ekotoba. Takafusa Kyō koi kotoba emaki
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    Pure land Buddhist painting

    Jōdokyō ga. English
  • Books

    室町の水墨画 : 雪舟/雪村/元信

    Muromachi no suibokuga : Sesshū, Sesson, Motonobu
  • Books

    鎌倉の絵画 : 絵卷と肖像画

    Kamakura no kaiga : emaki to shōzōga
  • Books

    桃山の障屏画 : 永德/等伯/友松

    Momoyama no shōheiga : Eitoku, Tōhaku, Yūshō
  • Books

    狩野派の絵画 : 特別展図錄

    Kanō-ha no kaiga : tokubetsuten zuroku
  • Books

    土佐家の肖像粉本 : 像と影

    Tosa-ke no shōzō funpon : zō to ei
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    Sesshū to yamatoe byōbu