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    孔子说 = Confucius says

    Kongzi shuo = Confucius says
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    荀子说 = Xun Zi says

    Xunzi shuo = Xun zi says
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    孟子精华版 = A selected collection of Mencius

    Mengzi jing hua ban = A selected collection of Mencius
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    管子说 = Guan Zi says

    Guanzi shuo = Guan Zi says
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    论语精华版 = A selected collection of the analects

    Lun yu jing hua ban = A selected collection of the analects
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    墨子说 = Mo Zi says

    Mozi shuo = Mo Zi says
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    中庸精华版 = A selected collection of the doctrine of the mean

    Zhong yong jing hua ban = A selected collection of the doctrine of the mean
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    孟子说 = Mencius says

    Mengzi shuo = Mencius says
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    大学精华版 = A selected collection of the great learning

    Da xue jing hua ban = A selected collection of the great learning
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    庄子说 = Zhuang zi says

    Zhuangzi shuo = Zhuang zi says
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    韩非子说 = Han Fei Zi says

    Han Feizi shuo = Han Fei Zi says
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    解读道德经 = Lao Zi interpreted : sayings of Lao Zi

    Jie du dao de jing = Lao Zi interpreted : sayings of Lao Zi
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    晏子说 = Yan Zi says

    Yanzi shuo = Yan Zi says
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    老子说 = Laozi says

    Laozi shuo = Lao zi says
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    孙子说 = Sun zi says

    Sunzi shuo = Sun zi says