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    Chen Jitang zi zhuan gao
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    Tao Yuanming : the pastoral poet = 陶渊明 : 田园诗人

    Tao Yuanming : the pastoral poet = Tao Yuanming : tian yuan shi ren
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    Su Shi : the incorrigible optimist = 苏轼 : 矿达的文豪

    Su Shi : the incorrigible optimist = Su Shi : kuang da de wen hao
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    Lei Feng jing shen du ben
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    Ma Zhiyuan : the carefree playwright = 马致远 : 归隐的曲状元

    Ma Zhiyuan : the carefree playwright = Ma Zhiyuan : gui yin de qu zhuang yuan
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    Li Bai : the drunken poet = 李白 : 长安有个醉诗仙

    Li Bai : the drunken poet = Li Bai : Chang'an you ge zui shi xian
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    Du Fu : the poet sage = 杜甫 : 忧国的诗圣

    Du Fu (You guo de shi sheng). English & Chinese
    Du Fu : the poet sage = Du Fu : you guo de shi sheng
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    Xin Qiji : the passionate patriot = 辛弃疾 : 豪放的英雄词人

    Xin Qiji : the passionate patriot = Xin Qiji : hao fang de ying xiong ci ren
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    Li Shangyin : poet of love = 李商隐 : 情圣诗人

    Li Shangyin : poet of love = Li Shangyin : qing sheng shi ren
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    Li Yu : emperor in exile = 李后主 : 思乡的皇帝

    Li Yu : emperor in exile = Li Houzhu : si xiang de huang di