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    Tang shi san bai shou suo yin
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    Tang Wu dai ren wu zhuan ji zi liao zong he suo yin
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    唐詩紀事著者引得 = Index to the authors in Tʻang shih chi shih /

    Tang shi ji shi zhu zhe yin de = Index to the authors in Tʻang shih chi shih
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    Tōdai no gyōsei chiri
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    封氏聞見記校證附引得 = Miscellaneous notes of Feng Yen

    Feng shi wen jian ji jiao zheng fu yin de = Miscellaneous notes of Feng Yen
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    历代名诗索引. 唐诗

    Li dai ming shi suo yin. Tang shi
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    Tōdai no shijin. Chinese
    Tang dai di shi ren
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    新唐書宰相世系表引得 = Index to the genealogical tables of the families of chief ministers /

    Xin Tang shu zai xiang shi xi biao yin de = Index to the genealogical tables of the families of chief ministers
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    唐代的長安與洛陽. 索引

    Chōan to Rakuyō. Selections. Chinese
    Tang dai di Chang'an yu Luoyang. Suo yin
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    Tang hui yao ren ming suo yin
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    Tōdai no shihen. Chinese
    Tang dai de shi pian
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    Quan Tang shi zuo zhe suo yin
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    Tōdai no sanbun sakuhin
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    Tang Wu dai wu shi er zhong bi ji xiao shuo ren ming suo yin
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    Tōdai no sanbun sakka
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    Quan Tang wen pian ming mu lu ji zuo zhe suo yin
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    Tang Song ming shi suo yin
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    刊誤引得 = Index to the Rectification of errors of Li Fou

    Kan wu yin de = Index to the Rectification of errors of Li Fou
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    Tōdai no sanbun sakuhin