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    Buddhism and nature : proceedings of an International Symposium on the Occasion of EXPO 1990

    Buddhism and nature : proceedings of an International Symposium on the Occasion of EXPO 1990
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    日本仏教を問う : 宗学のこれから

    Nihon Bukkyō o tou : shūgaku no korekara
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    仏教思想論叢 : 佐藤博士古稀記念

    Bukkyō shisō ronsō : Satō Hakushi koki kinen
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    Bukkyō no shisō
  • Books

    西洋は仏教をどうとらえるか : 比較思想の視座

    Seiyō wa Bukkyō o dō toraeru ka : hikaku shisō no shiza
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    Butsuda no mita mono
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    Indo Bukkyō
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    Chūgoku Jōdo kyōrishi
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    中国仏教思想史の研究 : 中国民衆の仏教受容

    Chūgoku Bukkyō shisōshi no kenkyū : Chūgoku minshū no Bukkyō juyō
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    Hasshū kōyō