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    Tibetan literature

    Xizang wen xue. English.
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    "无事之文"与中国古典白话小说 = "Non-evental texts" in Chinese classical vernacular novels

    "Wu shi zhi wen" yu Zhongguo gu dian bai hua xiao shuo = "Non-evental texts" in Chinese classical vernacular novels
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    Wen ren si ji
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    冷战与学术 : 美国的中国学 1949-1972 = The cold war and academics : Chinese studies in the United States 1949-1972

    Leng zhan yu xue shu : Meiguo de Zhongguo xue 1949-1972 = The cold war and academics : Chinese studies in the United States 1949-1972
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    Yuan qu xuan yi
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    清代桐城派文人治生研究 = The study on the survival of Tongcheng school scholars

    Qing dai Tongcheng pai wen ren zhi sheng yan jiu = The study on the survival of Tongcheng school scholars