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    Book of songs : the earliest collection of songs = 诗经 : 最早的歌

    Book of songs : the earliest collection of songs = Shi jing : zui zao de ge
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    明清古诗选本的诗歌阐释与批评 = Poetry interpretation and criticism of the anthology of ancient poems in Ming and Qing dynasties

    Ming Qing gu shi xuan ben de shi ge chan shi yu pi ping = Poetry interpretation and criticism of the anthology of ancient poems in Ming and Qing dynasties
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    Tao Yuanming : the pastoral poet = 陶渊明 : 田园诗人

    Tao Yuanming : the pastoral poet = Tao Yuanming : tian yuan shi ren
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    Su Shi : the incorrigible optimist = 苏轼 : 矿达的文豪

    Su Shi : the incorrigible optimist = Su Shi : kuang da de wen hao
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    "Yuexi shi zai" feng wu yan jiu
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    诗意人生 : 历代白族女诗人研究 = A study on female poets of the Bai nationality in past dynasties

    Shi yi ren sheng : li dai Bai zu nü shi ren yan jiu = A study on female poets of the Bai nationality in past dynasties
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    Tang dai chan shi yan jiu
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    元代少数民族作家汉文诗歌的用韵特点 = Rhyme features of Chinese poems written by ethnic minority writers in Yuan dynasty

    Yuan dai shao shu min zu zuo jia Han wen shi ge de yong yun te dian = Rhyme features of Chinese poems written by ethnic minority writers in Yuan dynasty
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    Qing dai nü zi shi she yan jiu
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    Shi jing
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    来自东方的他者 : 中国古诗在20世纪美国诗学建构中的作用 = The other from the east : Chinese classic poetry on 20th century American poetics

    Lai zi dong fang de ta zhe : Zhongguo gu shi zai 20 shi ji Meiguo shi xue jian gou zhong de zuo yong = The other from the east : Chinese classic poetry on 20th century American poetics
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    Tang shi yu fa xiu ci yan jiu
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    Tang shi
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    清代乡, 会试诗命题与唐诗的接受 = The questions set in provincial and metropolitan examination, and the acceptance of Tang poetry in the Qing dynasty

    Qing dai xiang, hui shi shi ming ti yu Tang shi de jie shou = The questions set in provincial and metropolitan examination, and the acceptance of Tang poetry in the Qing dynasty
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    性别与文化 : 女性词作美感特质之演进

    Xing bie yu wen hua : nü xing ci zuo mei gan te zhi zhi yan jin
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    杂曲歌辞与杂歌谣辞研究 = Zaqugeci yu zageyaoci yanjiu

    Za qu ge ci yu za ge yao ci yan jiu = Zaqugeci yu zageyaoci yanjiu
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    Tang shi san bai shou
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    词曲文体与批评 : 以明代为中心

    Ci qu wen ti yu pi ping : yi Ming dai wei zhong xin
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    Zha Shenxing yu Kang Yong shi tan
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    Chang'an wen hua shi ye xia de Du Fu yan jiu
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    Minguo shi qi ci lü pi ping yan jiu
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    Qing dai Song ci xue yan jiu
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    Zhongguo xian dang dai shi ge ming zuo xin shang
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    佐藤春夫与中国古典诗歌研究 : 以《车尘集》为研究视角

    Zuoteng Chunfu yu Zhongguo gu dian shi ge yan jiu : yi "Che chen ji" wei yan jiu shi jiao
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    Golden treasury of Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing poetry

    Golden treasury of Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing poetry
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    中国经典原境界 : 顾随讲坛实录. 下

    Zhongguo jing dian yuan jing jie : Gu Sui jiang tan shi lu. Xia
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    传统与现代之间 : 中国现当代诗歌论稿

    Chuan tong yu xian dai zhi jian : Zhongguo xian dang dai shi ge lun gao
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    Qian Qianyi fo jiao wen xian yu wen xue yan jiu
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    唐詩艷逸品 : 唐詩中的女性書寫

    Tang shi yan yi pin : Tang shi zhong de nü xing shu xie
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    Dunhuang ge ci zong bian kuang bu
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    Zhuzi Gan xing shi Zhong Ri Han gu zhu ben ji cheng
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    Selected poems and pictures of the Song dynasty = 精选宋词与宋画

    Selected poems and pictures of the Song dynasty = Jing xuan Song ci yu Song hua
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    Tang shi de li shi xiang xiang
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    Song ci xuan
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    Ming jia jiang Tang shi
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    "Bi ji man zhi" shu zheng
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    20世纪90年代女性诗歌研究 = On female poetry in the 1990s

    20 shi ji 90 nian dai nü xing shi ge yan jiu = On female poetry in the 1990s
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    Golden treasury of Chinese poetry in Han, Wei and Six dynasties

    Golden treasury of Chinese poetry in Han, Wei and Six dynasties
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    Tang shi Song ci li de qu shi
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    Qing dai shi lü shi xue yan jiu
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    Xin Qiji : the passionate patriot = 辛弃疾 : 豪放的英雄词人

    Xin Qiji : the passionate patriot = Xin Qiji : hao fang de ying xiong ci ren
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    "Yu tai xin yong" shi hua
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    诗词中华 = A canon of traditional Chinese poetry

    Shi ci Zhonghua = A canon of traditional Chinese poetry
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    屈原赋三译, 离骚 = Chuci, Lisao

    Qu Yuan fu san yi, Li sao = Chuci, Lisao
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    Nü shen
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    Xin shi hai wai chuan bo de dang dai xing fan si
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    Song ci san bai shou
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    中国现代诗选 = Modern Chinese poems

    Zhongguo xian dai shi xuan = Modern Chinese poems
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    清商曲辞研究 = Qingshangquci yanjiu

    Qing shang qu ci yan jiu = Qingshangquci yanjiu
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    Zhu Yizun ci ji