TOMBOY composition books

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  • Documents Relating to Native American Affairs

    This sub-collection presents United States government records that document debate and decisions related to Native American affairs. The collection currently includes Documents Relating to the Negotiation of Ratified and Unratified Treaties With Va…

  • Germany under Reconstruction

    This digital collection provides a varied selection of publications in both English and German from the period immediately following World War II. Many are publications of the U.S. occupying forces, including reports and descriptions of efforts to …

  • Crandon Mine Reports

    The Crandon Mine Reports provide researchers access to information about the Crandon Mine permit process that occurred from between 1976, when the Exxon Coal and Minerals Company discovered a zinc-copper ore body located in northeastern Wisconsin n…

  • Research Reports from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

    The Research Report series was started in 1960. Typically, reports that get published as Research Reports are narrower in scope than Technical Bulletins. They primarily report on a single topic, selected aspects of a more complex study, or interim …

  • Lawrence Monthey Photo Collection

    In the spring of 1959, UW alumni and staff member Lawrence G. "Larry" Monthey joined a tour of the Soviet Union and other European countries. Organized by the Wisconsin State Journal, participants visited cities in Norway, Finland, the Soviet Union…

  • All Sewn Up : Millinery, Dressmaking, Clothing and Costume

    This digital collection includes millinery, dressmaking, clothing and costume books from the UW-Madison collections. These books from the first half of the 20th century (1907 – 1940's) include the history of clothing, styles of dress, fashion drawi…

  • Wisconsin Cranberry School Proceedings

    The Wisconsin Cranberry School is the primary meeting for Wisconsin cranberry growers, whether members of a cooperative or independent growers. The school is sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Extension and the Wisconsin State Cranberry Growe…

  • Historic USGS Topographic Maps of Wisconsin

    The UW Robinson Map Library partnered with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) in a pilot project aimed at digitizing the entire collection of Wisconsin's topographic maps. This scanning project resulted in a digital archive of over 2,000 ma…