Pharmacy staff from Tacoma, WA

Featured Collections

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  • Wisconsin Folksong Collection, 1937-1946

    The Wisconsin Folksong Collection, 1937-1946, represents materials from two collections housed in three discrete but closely related repositories. The Collection reflects and documents the state's colorful pattern of immigration and occupational de…

  • Wisconsin's Historic Natural Resources Photos

    These images represent the changing face of Wisconsin's natural resource agencies, their employees and customers, and the resources they preserve and protect. The photos span more than a century and were taken by photographers and other staff of th…

  • South African Voices

    Harold Scheub was the Evjue-Bascom Professor of the Humanities in the Department of African Languages and Literature at UW-Madison. He specialized in African oral traditions and written literatures. South African Voices is a three-volume work that …

  • Walworth County Plat Map (1857)

    The Walworth County Plat Map of 1857 is the oldest and one of the most frequently used map in the University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Archives collection. The 1857 Walworth County Plat map is frequently consulted by students, local historians and ge…

  • Russian Satirical Journals

    This digital collection represents a subset of the paper holdings of early 20th-century Russian political and satirical journals held in the University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries in the Department of Special Collections. These journals are, for…

  • German Studies Collection

    German studies is the field of humanities that researches, documents, and disseminates German language and literature in both its historic and present forms. The German Studies Collection brings together, in digital form, primary and secondary mate…

  • Wisconsin State Capitol Historic Structure Report

    The Wisconsin State Capitol Historic Structure Report presents the architectural history of the state's capitol building in 6 volumes published between 1995 and 2005. The first volume describes the Capitol Building as a whole and details its histor…

  • The Great Lakes Maritime History Project

    The state of Wisconsin has a proud and colorful history. One of its richest and most romantic chapters is its maritime history, staged on the waters of Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, on hundreds of smaller lakes and a whole network of rivers. Much o…