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Featured Collections

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  • Wisconsin Folksong Collection, 1937-1946

    The Wisconsin Folksong Collection, 1937-1946, represents materials from two collections housed in three discrete but closely related repositories. The Collection reflects and documents the state's colorful pattern of immigration and occupational de…

  • William W. Sage collection on Laos

    The Sage Collection consists of 1253 photographs taken primarily by William Sage, with additional photographs contributed by James Bowman, former International Voluntary Services volunteer (IVS) and United States Agency for International Developmen…

  • Dominy Craftsmen Collection

    Three generations of the Dominy family of East Hampton, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York functioned as craftsmen from ca. 1760 to ca. 1850. Nathaniel Dominy IV (1737-1812) was a woodworker and metalworker producing tall case clocks, furniture,…

  • Gender and Women's Studies Collection

    The Gender and Women's Studies Collection brings together, in digital form, primary and secondary materials relating to the the exploration of politics, history, and society from a transnational and multicultural women's perspective. Although this …

  • Women’s March, January 21, 2017

    On Saturday, January 21, 2017, more than 100,000 people gathered at the Wisconsin State Capitol, as part of the Madison Women's March. This was one of 653 of "sister marches" across the United States coinciding with the Women's March on Washington.…

  • Ebling Library for the Health Sciences Collection

    The Ebling Library for the Health Sciences Special Collections contain selected digitized resources from the Library, including pamphlets, brochures, photos, and other ephemera related to the health sciences. Health Advertisements Database from Ebl…

  • All Sewn Up : Millinery, Dressmaking, Clothing and Costume

    This digital collection includes millinery, dressmaking, clothing and costume books from the UW-Madison collections. These books from the first half of the 20th century (1907 – 1940's) include the history of clothing, styles of dress, fashion drawi…

  • Research Reports from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

    The Research Report series was started in 1960. Typically, reports that get published as Research Reports are narrower in scope than Technical Bulletins. They primarily report on a single topic, selected aspects of a more complex study, or interim …