Pharmacy staff from Tacoma, WA

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  • University of Wisconsin-Madison Athletic Department Collection

    The University of Wisconsin-Madison Athletic Department Collection contains photos and archival materials that document a variety of sports, coaches and student athletes, and their experiences competing for the UW-Madison teams. Media Guides The Wi…

  • Wisconsin Pioneer Experience

    The Wisconsin Pioneer Experience is a digital collection of diaries, letters, reminiscences, speeches and other writings of people who settled and built Wisconsin during the 19th century. The project has been made available through the partnership …

  • Ebling Library for the Health Sciences Collection

    The Ebling Library for the Health Sciences Special Collections contain selected digitized resources from the Library, including pamphlets, brochures, photos, and other ephemera related to the health sciences. Health Advertisements Database from Ebl…

  • Sheboygan County Historical Documents

    This collection provides snapshots into the social, economic, and political history of Sheboygan County. The Sheboygan Centennial and Homecoming Souvenir booklets provide historical information from the period of the early Native American settlemen…

  • Kenosha County History : Images and Texts, 1830s-1940s

    Kenosha County is situated in the most southeastern part of Wisconsin adjoining the Illinois State border. In 1830, Kenosha County was a remote corner of the largely unsettled Michigan Territory. Beginning in 1835 settlers arrived from New York and…

  • History of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Collection

    The History of UW-La Crosse Collection includes resources that document the history and evolution of this campus. The collection includes published material as well as archival materials and may eventually include additional books, manuscripts, sou…

  • Janesville's Past

    READ - Browse stories, chronologies and histories written by local authors. Century of Stories by Mike DuPre City on the Rock River by Carol Lohry Cartwright History of Janesville by Raymond E. Fenrick, 1969 History of Janesville 1835-193…

  • Ernest and Phaythoune Kuhn Image Collection

    The Ernest and Phaythoune Kuhn Image Collection consists of more than 2000 images taken primarily in northern Laos between 1965 and 1975, during which time Mr. Kuhn worked for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)'s refugee program …