Weather in motion and in color from the ATS-3 synchronous satellite

Featured Collections

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  • Selections from the William B. Cairns Collection of American Women Writers, 1650-1940

    Collecting the literary record of women writers—some very well known, others often neglected, some anonymous—is the purpose and goal of the Cairns Collection of American Women writers, 1650-1940. The voices of women in American literary history ref…

  • James Graaskamp Landmark Research Collection

    James Graaskamp taught real estate at the UW-Madison from 1964 to 1988 and was chairman of the Real Estate Department from 1968 until his untimely death in 1988. Graaskamp built the teaching side of the Real Estate program into national prominence…

  • The Wisconsin Workshop

    Beginning in 1969 the Department of German at the University of Wisconsin, Madison sponsored "The Wisconsin Workshop," an annual, interdisciplinary conference traditionally held in the fall and focused on a topic related to German culture. The Work…

  • Visual Materials in Mills Music Library

    This digital collection presents primarily photographs of musicians and music-related subjects held by Mills Music Library, dating from the late nineteenth century to the present. In addition to photographs, there are postcards, lithographic prints…

  • Gay Peoples Union Collection

    The Gay Peoples Union (GPU) was the most important gay and lesbian rights organization in Milwaukee during the 1970s. Beginning as a student organization at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, the group gradually became a resource for the entire…

  • Technical Bulletin from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

    The Technical Bulletins series was started in 1950 and was originally titled Technical Wildlife Bulletins. In 1958, the series changed its name to the current title (Technical Bulletins) and was modified to include technical reports on game, fish, …

  • The Passenger Pigeon

    The Passenger Pigeon is the official scholarly publication of the Wisconsin Society for Ornithology, an organization of both professional and non-professional ornithologists dedicated to the study of Wisconsin birds. First published in 1939, the qu…

  • History of the University of Wisconsin-Parkside Collection

    The History of UW-Parkside Collection includes resources that document the history and evolution of this campus. The collection includes published material as well as archival materials and may eventually include additional books, manuscripts, soun…