Weather in motion and in color from the ATS-3 synchronous satellite

Featured Collections

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  • Jesuit Iconography

    As missionaries, scholars, teachers, authors, and members of learned academies, members of the Society of Jesus exerted great influence on the world of early modern European learning. Though such activities attracted critiques both thoughtful and s…

  • The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution

    The signing of the U.S. Constitution on 17 September 1787 was a milestone in creating a government for the recently independent United States. However, the act of signing itself did not create a government. Nor did it bring the new Constitution int…

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison Archives Collections

    The University Archives is committed to collecting and preserving materials related to people, places, events, and other entities associated with the UW-Madison, UW-System, and UW-Extension in their original formats whether that be analog or digita…

  • State of Wisconsin Collection

    The State of Wisconsin Collection brings together, in digital form, two categories of primary and secondary materials: writings about the State of Wisconsin and unique or valuable materials that relate to its history and ongoing development. The co…

  • Communications from the International Brecht Society

    Communications from the International Brecht Society was originally conceived as a newsletter "for the exchange of ideas and information pertinent to [the IBS members'] ‘common cause.'" The Society was founded by members of the German departments a…

  • Wisconsin Public Land Survey Records : Original Field Notes and Plat Maps

    The field notes and plat maps of the public land survey of Wisconsin are a valuable resource for original land survey information, as well as for understanding Wisconsin's landscape history. The survey of Wisconsin was conducted between 1832 and 18…

  • Wisconsin Cranberry School Proceedings

    The Wisconsin Cranberry School is the primary meeting for Wisconsin cranberry growers, whether members of a cooperative or independent growers. The school is sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Extension and the Wisconsin State Cranberry Growe…

  • Madison Metropolitan School District Reports

    The Madison Metropolitan School District is the second largest district in Wisconsin, and serves an estimated student population of 27,000 through 48 schools within an area of approximately 65 miles.1 The collection of online materials is made up o…