Illustrations of the Royal water-lily

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  • James Joyce Scholars' Collection

    The selected works compiled in the James Joyce Scholars' Collection (JJSC) all share two characteristics: 1) all the books are currently out-of-print and 2) they are valuable, perhaps indispensable, to those who seek a more complete understanding …

  • Mills Music Library Digital Collections

    The Mills Music Library Digital Collections provide online access to some of the unique materials found in the Special Collections Department of Mills Music Library, including the Wisconsin Music Archives. Among these online collections you will fi…

  • Plant Ecology Laboratory Archive

    The University of Wisconsin Plant Ecology Laboratory has its origins in Dr. John T. Curtis's studies of the vegetation of Wisconsin, which began in the 1940s. From the start, the Laboratory integrated a dual rationale: a physical place to store ori…

  • The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution

    The signing of the U.S. Constitution on 17 September 1787 was a milestone in creating a government for the recently independent United States. However, the act of signing itself did not create a government. Nor did it bring the new Constitution int…

  • Luther Burbank : His Methods and Discoveries and their Practical Application

    Luther Burbank: His Methods and Discoveries is a 12–volume monographic series documenting Burbank's methods and discoveries and their practical application, prepared from his original field notes covering more than 100,000 experiments…

  • UW-Madison Dissertations and Theses

    Since 2012, the UW–Madison Graduate School has been accepting doctoral dissertations in born-digital form. This Collection includes all of those dissertations (excepting those currently under embargo), as well as some earlier, out-of-copyright diss…

  • Madison Public Library Annual Reports

    This collection consists of the annual reports of the organization currently known as the Madison Public Library (Madison, WI). It begins with the earliest published report from the organization available, the 1879 ‘Annual report of the Board of Di…

  • Drug Topics Photograph Collection

    Donated by Drug Topics magazine to the American Institute of the History of Pharmacy in 1974, the Drug Topics photograph collection contains approximately 17,200 photographs taken or commissioned by the Drug Topics staff between 1945 and 1970. The…