Weather in motion and in color from the ATS-3 synchronous satellite

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  • James Joyce Scholars' Collection

    The selected works compiled in the James Joyce Scholars' Collection (JJSC) all share two characteristics: 1) all the books are currently out-of-print and 2) they are valuable, perhaps indispensable, to those who seek a more complete understanding …

  • Schleisingerville to Slinger 125 Years (Slinger Community Library)

    Explore the rich history of Schleisingerville, its citizens and local businesses through this digital collection consisting of two significant histories published by the Slinger Advancement Association and over 300 photographs providing accessibili…

  • Greetings from the Fatherland Postcards : German Picture Postcards and History

    These German picture postcards, dating from 1914 through 1945, represent a small portion of the Andrew Laurie Stangel Collection. The collection as a whole documents German history from the time of Bismarck through the end of World War II in books,…

  • Menasha Local History Collection

    Menasha is located at the mouth of the Fox River on the north end of Lake Winnebago. Menasha, with settlers as early as 1835, became a village in 1849 and was incorporated as a city in 1874. Mrs. Doty, wife of Judge James Doty, used the Indian word…

  • University of Wisconsin Collection

    When does an aggregation of "stories" become a "history"? The history of the University of Wisconsin is far too colorful and texture-rich to be told in a single document. Within these collections you will find images, manuscripts, papers, and books…

  • The Daily Cardinal

    The Daily Cardinal was founded by undergraduate students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison more than 120 years ago, with the first issue appearing April 4, 1892. "We believe the University is in need of a daily paper," explained the founding e…

  • Home Economics to Human Ecology : A Centennial History at the University of Wisconsin - Madison

    This digital collection of photographs and ephemera illustrates aspects of the past 100 years at the School of Human Ecology at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. Some of the material was used to develop the School's history website. Most of th…

  • Wisconsin Goes to War : Our Civil War Experience

    Wisconsin Goes to War: Our Civil War Experience is a collection of first person narrative accounts of Wisconsin soldiers and citizens. Through their letters, diaries, poems and other records, we learn about the state's contributions to the Union vi…