Interior spread of artists book titled, 2219

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  • University of Wisconsin-Madison Special Collections

    This collection presents a variety of materials selected from the Department of Special Collections in the UW–Madison Libraries. Items have been chosen to showcase the department's holdings, highlight specific collections, and provide broader acces…

  • Wisconsin Groundwater Research and Monitoring Program Reports

    About two-thirds of the people of Wisconsin obtain their drinking water from groundwater. Despite a general abundance of groundwater in Wisconsin, there is growing concern about the overall availability of good-quality groundwater. Substantial decl…

  • Historic Fort Atkinson

    Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin is located in the south-central part of the state within Jefferson County. The area that was to become Fort Atkinson was settled by Dwight Foster and his family in 1836. Mr. Foster found an area marked by the native people,…

  • Wisconsin Land Economic Inventory (Bordner Survey)

    Often called the "Bordner Survey" after its director, John Bordner, the Wisconsin Land Economic Inventory was a Depression-era project to inventory the land resources of Wisconsin so that they could be used more productively. Field workers, usually…

  • The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution

    The signing of the U.S. Constitution on 17 September 1787 was a milestone in creating a government for the recently independent United States. However, the act of signing itself did not create a government. Nor did it bring the new Constitution int…

  • Arthur De Smet English Medieval Church Architecture

    The collections gathered here reflect the work of Professor Arthur De Smet, his love of photography and Medieval church architecture in England. They provide overview images of both the exteriors and interiors of cathedrals and parish churches. In …

  • Women’s March, January 21, 2017

    On Saturday, January 21, 2017, more than 100,000 people gathered at the Wisconsin State Capitol, as part of the Madison Women's March. This was one of 653 of "sister marches" across the United States coinciding with the Women's March on Washington.…

  • Menasha Local History Collection

    Menasha is located at the mouth of the Fox River on the north end of Lake Winnebago. Menasha, with settlers as early as 1835, became a village in 1849 and was incorporated as a city in 1874. Mrs. Doty, wife of Judge James Doty, used the Indian word…