Weather in motion and in color from the ATS-3 synchronous satellite

Featured Collections

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  • UW-Madison Dissertations and Theses

    Since 2012, the UW–Madison Graduate School has been accepting doctoral dissertations in born-digital form. This Collection includes all of those dissertations (excepting those currently under embargo), as well as some earlier, out-of-copyright diss…

  • Down Home Dairyland Collection

    Between 1989 and 1992, folklorists Jim Leary and Rick March produced and hosted "Down Home Dairyland," a radio series that explored the traditional and ethnic music of Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest. The series drew heavily on field recordings and…

  • The Great Lakes Maritime History Project

    The state of Wisconsin has a proud and colorful history. One of its richest and most romantic chapters is its maritime history, staged on the waters of Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, on hundreds of smaller lakes and a whole network of rivers. Much o…

  • Frederic C. Benson Laotian Slide Collection

    The Benson Collection consists of 732 images taken by Frederic (Fritz) Benson during his time in Laos between August 1968 and January 1974 while serving with International Voluntary Services, Inc. (IVS) (1968-1970) and the United States Agency for …

  • Botany Collection

    The Botany Collection consists of research and teaching materials created by University of Wisconsin faculty and staff as well as unique or valuable items related to botany held by the University of Wisconsin Libraries.

  • History of Limnology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison

    The Center for Limnology is a research facility affiliated with the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The Center for Limnology was established in July 1982 to plan, conduct, and facilitate inland freshwater research. The Center grew out of almost on…

  • Wisconsin Groundwater Research and Monitoring Program Reports

    About two-thirds of the people of Wisconsin obtain their drinking water from groundwater. Despite a general abundance of groundwater in Wisconsin, there is growing concern about the overall availability of good-quality groundwater. Substantial decl…

  • Wisconsin Emergency Management Images and Historic Materials

    This collection presents images taken by emergency management officials in the aftermath of numerous disasters that have hit Wisconsin. It also includes images of emergency response training and other historic materials related to emergency prepar…