Teki kikan jishoku suirai chinbotsu Makarofu teitoku ika jōin happyaku sō gyofuku

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  • Camp Gallistella /Tent Colony Collection

    Located on Lake Mendota in Madison, Wisconsin, Camp Gallistella, also known as the Tent Colony, was a temporary summer home for up to as many as 300 graduate students and their families. The colony existed between 1912 and 1962 and provided family …

  • History of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Collection

    The History of UW-Green Bay Collection includes 400 images that represent a cross-section of this campus's history and evolution.  They document the campus selection site, construction of all campus buildings, student life, academic activities, pol…

  • Multicultural Student Center Archive

    The Multicultural Student Center (MSC) was established in 1988 as a direct result of organizing efforts by students of color and their allies (See,  Holley Report). The MSC's first Home (1988-1998) was in the Memorial Union where it was strategical…

  • University of Wisconsin Collection

    When does an aggregation of "stories" become a "history"? The history of the University of Wisconsin is far too colorful and texture-rich to be told in a single document. Within these collections you will find images, manuscripts, papers, and books…

  • Chazen Museum of Art Permanent Collection

    This collection contains photographs of art objects from the permanent collection of the Chazen Museum of Art. High resolution images for works in copyright are available to the UW-Madison community for research and instruction purposes.

  • The Geology and Natural Resources of Wisconsin

    Geology and Natural Resources of Wisconsin consists of nine foundation volumes that provide detailed documentation of mid- to late-19th century Wisconsin geological and natural history. Contents include government reports and land surveys of Wiscon…

  • Technical Bulletin from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

    The Technical Bulletins series was started in 1950 and was originally titled Technical Wildlife Bulletins. In 1958, the series changed its name to the current title (Technical Bulletins) and was modified to include technical reports on game, fish, …

  • Images of Angkor Wat

    This collection of 120 photos was taken by Miss Margaret Parx Hays during her Christmas vacation to Siem Reap in 1954 while she was stationed in Manila as a Consul of the American State Department. Taken ninety years after Henri Mouhot's first visi…