Weather in motion and in color from the ATS-3 synchronous satellite

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  • Wisconsin Philippines Image Collection

    A number of disparate primary sources were digitized to make up the Wisconsin Philippines Image Collection, which, along with the accompanying essay Orientalism of the Philippine Photograph: America Discovers the Philippine Islands provide a look i…

  • The Great Lakes Maritime History Project

    The state of Wisconsin has a proud and colorful history. One of its richest and most romantic chapters is its maritime history, staged on the waters of Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, on hundreds of smaller lakes and a whole network of rivers. Much o…

  • Marinette County Local History

    The Marinette County Library System maintains many resources that provide local historical information. Yearbooks and plat books are extraordinarily popular and receive so much use that they need to be preserved. For this reason the library decided…

  • The UW–Madison Collection

    The UW-Madison Collection includes resources that document the unique history and evolution of this campus. The collection includes published material as well as archival materials and may eventually include additional books, manuscripts, sound rec…

  • James Graaskamp Landmark Research Collection

    James Graaskamp taught real estate at the UW-Madison from 1964 to 1988 and was chairman of the Real Estate Department from 1968 until his untimely death in 1988. Graaskamp built the teaching side of the Real Estate program into national prominence…

  • Ainu Komonjo (18th & 19th century records) : Ohnuki Collection

    This collection of books represents the earliest depictions of the Ainu by the Japanese. They are primarily about the Sakhalin Ainu, since the books were acquired by Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney at the time she was studying them. The Ainu, who lived on Sak…

  • Víglundar Saga : a New Edition Based on UW-Madison Libraries Special Collections MS 140

    Víglundar saga is one of the latest of the Icelandic family sagas (Íslendinga sögur), but its style is heavily influenced by the chivalric sagas (riddarasögur) such as Tristrams saga. It tells the story of the love between Víglund and Ketilríð, and…

  • Wisconsin Folksong Collection, 1937-1946

    The Wisconsin Folksong Collection, 1937-1946, represents materials from two collections housed in three discrete but closely related repositories. The Collection reflects and documents the state's colorful pattern of immigration and occupational de…