Interior spread of artists book titled, 2219

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  • University of Wisconsin-Madison Zoology Museum Collection

    The University of Wisconsin–Madison Zoological Museum provides support of zoological research within the Department of Zoology, throughout the state and region, nationally and internationally by collecting, curating and managing, and making availab…

  • Nazi Culture Lectures

    From 2007 until 2020 Jost Hermand and Marc Silberman (Dept. of German, University of Wisconsin-Madison) offered each spring semester a large-enrollment, undergraduate course called "Nazi Culture," conducted entirely in English and aimed at non Germ…

  • Lawrence Monthey Photo Collection

    In the spring of 1959, UW alumni and staff member Lawrence G. "Larry" Monthey joined a tour of the Soviet Union and other European countries. Organized by the Wisconsin State Journal, participants visited cities in Norway, Finland, the Soviet Union…

  • UW-Madison Archives Oral History Collection

    The University of Wisconsin-Madison Oral History Project was established as part of the University History Project in 1971. Its initial charge was to interview prominent emeritus faculty members about their research and careers at the University. O…

  • Marinette County Local History

    The Marinette County Library System maintains many resources that provide local historical information. Yearbooks and plat books are extraordinarily popular and receive so much use that they need to be preserved. For this reason the library decided…

  • Madison Public Library Annual Reports

    This collection consists of the annual reports of the organization currently known as the Madison Public Library (Madison, WI). It begins with the earliest published report from the organization available, the 1879 ‘Annual report of the Board of Di…

  • Human Ecology Collection

    Human ecology is an academic discipline that deals with the relationship between humans and their natural, social and created environments. Human ecology investigates how humans and human societies interact with nature and with their environment. T…

  • Max Kade Institute Collection

    The Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies is an interdisciplinary unit dedicated to preserving American print culture and personal documents in the German language and making them part of America's story and historiography. Two distinct co…