Organic Chemistry Lab

Featured Collections

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  • Bruce Bollerud Collection

    Bruce Bollerud (1934-2020), was a professional musician in the Madison, WI area from the 1960s-2000s. He played bandoneon, piano accordion, jug, and trombone with a number of local bands, notably the Goose Island Ramblers and the Good Time Band. Th…

  • Wisconsin Papyri Collection

    UW-Madison's Department of Special Collections in Memorial Library holds a small collection of 83 papyrus fragments. Ranging in date from the 3rd century BCE to the 7th century CE, the collection consists primarily of papyri written in Greek about …

  • WHA Radio Broadcasts : Early Years of Wisconsin Public Radio

    The WHA Radio Broadcasts collection includes digitized selections from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Archives's holdings of over 7,000 transcription discs that capture early broadcasts from Wisconsin Public Radio. Wisconsin Public Radio first…

  • Archives of Archaeology

    The Archives of Archaeology is series of 29 archaeological reports published on micro-opaque (sic microcards) in the 1960s. The production was a joint project of the University of Wisconsin Press and the Society for American Archaeology (SAA). Prop…

  • Ethnic Music of Northern Wisconsin and Michigan

    The Ethnic Music of Northern Wisconsin and Michigan Collection documents traditional music of European immigrant communities in the northern tier of counties in Wisconsin and the western counties of the upper peninsula of Michigan along Lake Superi…

  • Home Economics to Human Ecology : A Centennial History at the University of Wisconsin - Madison

    This digital collection of photographs and ephemera illustrates aspects of the past 100 years at the School of Human Ecology at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. Some of the material was used to develop the School's history website. Most of th…

  • North Carolina Earthenware Collection

    North Carolina Earthenwareoldsalem-logo is a searchable digital collection of approximately 540 ceramic works created by Moravian potters in North Carolina in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Pieces include slip decorated dishes and other ta…

  • Multicultural Student Center Archive

    The Multicultural Student Center (MSC) was established in 1988 as a direct result of organizing efforts by students of color and their allies (See,  Holley Report). The MSC's first Home (1988-1998) was in the Memorial Union where it was strategical…