Sarcophagus with Allegory of the Four Seasons

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  • Kenosha's Lost Industries : Photographs and Corporate Materials, 1850s-1990s

    From the 1850s to the 1970s abundant water, a lake port, and railroad corridors crossing Kenosha and Kenosha County, Wisconsin impacted the growth of industry. Kenosha's development was essentially connected to its strategic location on the western…

  • The Wisconsin Palmyrene Aramaic Inscription Project

    The Roman-controlled city of Palmyra (1st c. BCE–3rd c. CE), once a major economic hub in the Levant, is the source of thousands of inscriptions in a dialect of Aramaic, as well as many in Latin and Greek (Yon 2012). The entire corpus of Palmyrene …

  • Casselman Archive of Islamic and Mudejar Architecture in Spain

    This collection contains over four thousand color slides and black and white photographs of medieval Spain taken by the late Eugene Casselman (1912-1996) during his thirty years of travel throughout the Iberian peninsula. The images span over one t…

  • New Glarus and Green County Local History

    In 1845 emigrants from the canton of Glarus in Switzerland, leaving their homeland because of dire economic conditions, established a colony in southern Wisconsin and named it New Glarus. Over the following years, more Swiss from various cantons se…

  • Icelandic Online Dictionary and Readings

    This digital collection was originally developed by the University of Wisconsin–Madison to complement the University of Iceland's Internet course Icelandic Online and was developed side by side with it. The project as a whole consists of three part…

  • The Daily Cardinal

    The Daily Cardinal was founded by undergraduate students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison more than 120 years ago, with the first issue appearing April 4, 1892. "We believe the University is in need of a daily paper," explained the founding e…

  • Historic Librarians and Benefactors

    This collection of slides contains portraits of prominent American and international figures who made major contributions to the library world in areas such as cataloging, collection development, children's librarianship, public access, library sta…

  • Nineteenth Century European-American Views on Life in and the Peoples of the American West

    Native American / European-American interaction has been a topic of popular interest and concern and scholarly research in this country since Jamestown. The materials in this collection were selected from the Kenneth Hammer Collection at the Univer…