Weather in motion and in color from the ATS-3 synchronous satellite

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  • Harold E. Scheub Collection

    Dr. Harold Scheub was the Evjue-Bascom Professor of Humanities in the Department of African Languages and Literature and one of the world's leading scholars in African oral traditions and folklore. To record oral traditions he walked more than 6000…

  • Women’s March, January 21, 2017

    On Saturday, January 21, 2017, more than 100,000 people gathered at the Wisconsin State Capitol, as part of the Madison Women's March. This was one of 653 of "sister marches" across the United States coinciding with the Women's March on Washington.…

  • Primate Collection

    The Primate Collection brings together thousands of illustrations and photographs as well as other information about non-human mammals of the order Primate. All of these materials were once held at the Lawrence Jacobsen Library, also known as the P…

  • Wisconsin Goes to War

    Wisconsin Goes to War brings together primary and secondary materials which highlight the history of the people of Wisconsin during wartime, including of stories of those serving at home or overseas, and also how it affected life back home. The mat…

  • Libraries and Schools in Marathon and Lincoln Counties

    About the Collection Libraries and Schools in Marathon and Lincoln Counties contains historic images representing several central Wisconsin schools and libraries in Marathon and Lincoln Counties. In this collection, you will find: Lincoln Coun…

  • Arthur De Smet English Medieval Church Architecture

    The collections gathered here reflect the work of Professor Arthur De Smet, his love of photography and Medieval church architecture in England. They provide overview images of both the exteriors and interiors of cathedrals and parish churches. In …

  • Historical County Plat Maps from South Central Wisconsin and Early Madison City Directories

    This digital collection of historic plat books, city directories, and atlases provides accessibility to early information about South Central Wisconsin, specifically Columbia, Dane, Portage and Wood counties. A variety of the oldest plat books, atl…

  • Kenosha's Lost Industries : Photographs and Corporate Materials, 1850s-1990s

    From the 1850s to the 1970s abundant water, a lake port, and railroad corridors crossing Kenosha and Kenosha County, Wisconsin impacted the growth of industry. Kenosha's development was essentially connected to its strategic location on the western…