Sarcophagus with Allegory of the Four Seasons

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  • Multicultural Student Center Archive

    The Multicultural Student Center (MSC) was established in 1988 as a direct result of organizing efforts by students of color and their allies (See,  Holley Report). The MSC's first Home (1988-1998) was in the Memorial Union where it was strategical…

  • Crandon Mine Reports

    The Crandon Mine Reports provide researchers access to information about the Crandon Mine permit process that occurred from between 1976, when the Exxon Coal and Minerals Company discovered a zinc-copper ore body located in northeastern Wisconsin n…

  • Polka Music/Polka Culture Exhibit Collection

    The Polka Music/Polka Culture Exhibit Collection consists of the 41 contemporary and historic images and selected caption information from the "Polka Music/Polka Culture" photo-text exhibit that toured Wisconsin in 1991. The collection represents t…

  • LeRoy Larson Collection

    The LeRoy Larson Collection documents the traditional dance music of Scandinavians, chiefly Norwegians, in Minnesota with some overlap into western Wisconsin and northern Iowa. LeRoy Wilbur Larson (1939- ) is a musician, composer, musicologist/ethn…

  • Reports and Records of Urban and Regional Planning

    This collection represents annual planning reports from civil planning agencies throughout Wisconsin and includes reports on water management, Wisconsin regional planning, neighborhood planning, the cities of Madison and Milwaukee, and environmenta…

  • People of the Sturgeon

    People of the Sturgeon: Wisconsin's Love Affair with an Ancient Fish is a tale of the cultural and scientific history of an iconic Wisconsin fish, the lake sturgeon. Throughout the process of writing the book, the authors interviewed community acti…

  • Ainu Komonjo (18th & 19th century records) : Ohnuki Collection

    This collection of books represents the earliest depictions of the Ainu by the Japanese. They are primarily about the Sakhalin Ainu, since the books were acquired by Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney at the time she was studying them. The Ainu, who lived on Sak…

  • Wisconsin Groundwater Research and Monitoring Program Reports

    About two-thirds of the people of Wisconsin obtain their drinking water from groundwater. Despite a general abundance of groundwater in Wisconsin, there is growing concern about the overall availability of good-quality groundwater. Substantial decl…