Organic Chemistry Lab

Featured Collections

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  • History of Women at the University of Wisconsin

    The History of Women at the University of Wisconsin augments the general histories of the University by focusing on the roles and activities of women students, faculty, and staff and on the development of women's studies throughout the System. The …

  • Ernest and Phaythoune Kuhn Image Collection

    The Ernest and Phaythoune Kuhn Image Collection consists of more than 2000 images taken primarily in northern Laos between 1965 and 1975, during which time Mr. Kuhn worked for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)'s refugee program …

  • Wisconsin Electronic Reader

    The Wisconsin Electronic Reader is a cooperative project of the University of Wisconsin General Library System and the State Historical Society of Wisconsin in celebration of the sesquicentennial of Wisconsin statehood.

  • Research Reports from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

    The Research Report series was started in 1960. Typically, reports that get published as Research Reports are narrower in scope than Technical Bulletins. They primarily report on a single topic, selected aspects of a more complex study, or interim …

  • The Wisconsin Palmyrene Aramaic Inscription Project

    The Roman-controlled city of Palmyra (1st c. BCE–3rd c. CE), once a major economic hub in the Levant, is the source of thousands of inscriptions in a dialect of Aramaic, as well as many in Latin and Greek (Yon 2012). The entire corpus of Palmyrene …

  • UW-La Crosse Historic Steamboat Photographs

    The UW-La Crosse Historic Steamboat Photograph collection consists of over 40,000 photographic images of steamboats on the inland waterways of the United States, primarily the Mississippi, Ohio and Missouri rivers and their tributaries. The photos …

  • Nineteenth Century European-American Views on Life in and the Peoples of the American West

    Native American / European-American interaction has been a topic of popular interest and concern and scholarly research in this country since Jamestown. The materials in this collection were selected from the Kenneth Hammer Collection at the Univer…

  • African Studies Collection

    The African Studies Collection brings together primary and secondary resources; research and teaching materials created by University of Wisconsin faculty and staff; and unique or valuable items related to this field held by the University of Wisco…