Pharmacy staff from Tacoma, WA

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  • Lawrence Monthey Photo Collection

    In the spring of 1959, UW alumni and staff member Lawrence G. "Larry" Monthey joined a tour of the Soviet Union and other European countries. Organized by the Wisconsin State Journal, participants visited cities in Norway, Finland, the Soviet Union…

  • Ainu Komonjo (18th & 19th century records) : Ohnuki Collection

    This collection of books represents the earliest depictions of the Ainu by the Japanese. They are primarily about the Sakhalin Ainu, since the books were acquired by Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney at the time she was studying them. The Ainu, who lived on Sak…

  • William W. Sage collection on Laos

    The Sage Collection consists of 1253 photographs taken primarily by William Sage, with additional photographs contributed by James Bowman, former International Voluntary Services volunteer (IVS) and United States Agency for International Developmen…

  • United States Lake Survey Maps

    Lake Survey maps that document waterborne transportation on the Great Lakes in the late nineteenth century. These highly accurate nautical charts reveal the inherent dangers posed by rocky shorelines and narrow passages. For more information about …

  • Wisconsin Cranberry School Proceedings

    The Wisconsin Cranberry School is the primary meeting for Wisconsin cranberry growers, whether members of a cooperative or independent growers. The school is sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Extension and the Wisconsin State Cranberry Growe…

  • History of the University of Wisconsin-Platteville Collection

    The History of UW-Platteville Collection includes resources that document the history and evolution of this campus. The collection includes published material as well as archival materials and may eventually include additional books, manuscripts, s…

  • The Aldo Leopold Archives

    Aldo Leopold is considered by many to have been the most influential conservation thinker of the 20th Century. Leopold's legacy spans the disciplines of forestry, wildlife management, conservation biology, sustainable agriculture, restoration ecolo…

  • Botany Collection

    The Botany Collection consists of research and teaching materials created by University of Wisconsin faculty and staff as well as unique or valuable items related to botany held by the University of Wisconsin Libraries.