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Featured Collections

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  • Africa Focus: Sights and Sounds of a Continent

    Africa Focus brings together, in digital form, two categories of primary and secondary resources: research and teaching materials collected by University of Wisconsin faculty and staff; and unique or valuable items related to these fields held by t…

  • Schleisingerville to Slinger 125 Years (Slinger Community Library)

    Explore the rich history of Schleisingerville, its citizens and local businesses through this digital collection consisting of two significant histories published by the Slinger Advancement Association and over 300 photographs providing accessibili…

  • Nazi Culture Lectures

    From 2007 until 2020 Jost Hermand and Marc Silberman (Dept. of German, University of Wisconsin-Madison) offered each spring semester a large-enrollment, undergraduate course called "Nazi Culture," conducted entirely in English and aimed at non Germ…

  • Folksongs of Another America

    Hailed by the Journal of Folklore Research as "A landmark presentation of traditional music of the Upper Midwest," the hardcover edition of James P. Leary's Folksongs of Another America included five CDs and a DVD, received a Grammy nomination for …

  • The Ku Klux Klan in Northwestern Wisconsin, circa 1915-1950

    The Ku Klux Klan in Northwestern Wisconsin, circa 1915-1950 is a digital collection of records, pamphlets, newspaper clippings, ephemera, and artifacts. These materials document a popular movement that most Americans would rather forget -- a so-cal…

  • UW-Madison Class Albums

    From at least 1872 until the early 1890s, when the Badger Yearbook seemed on pretty firm footing, most classes at the University of Wisconsin created a class album, providing invaluable sources for the early history of students on campus. All of th…

  • New Glarus and Green County Local History

    In 1845 emigrants from the canton of Glarus in Switzerland, leaving their homeland because of dire economic conditions, established a colony in southern Wisconsin and named it New Glarus. Over the following years, more Swiss from various cantons se…

  • Ozaukee County Local History Collection

    The Ozaukee County Local History Collection provides a window into the history and development of Ozaukee County. Whether published over 100 years ago or more recently, the selected material is focused on the history of the area, often stems from p…